On Sunday, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-3) sent out an email to supporters urging them to sign an “emergency” petition for Trump adviser Stephen Miller to resign. His outrage comes after the Southern Policy Law Center, a disgraced hate-mongering left-wing group, accused Miller of racism, alleging he sent “racist” emails despite nothing inherently racist appearing in such correspondence.
But the fake news story didn’t stop Ben Ray Luján from capitalizing on the opportunity to raise money off of the propagated story, by appearing on MSNBC and shooting off triggered emails marked as “urgent” to try and tank Miller.
Luján’s email petition read, “I’m disturbed to my very core. Newly-uncovered emails just proved Stephen Miller — Trump’s top immigration advisor — to be an unashamed white nationalist. Which is why I just called for his immediate removal from the White House. Let me be perfectly clear: I will not allow this racist to control the fate of our country’s immigrants. Every second this racist remains in our White House is a disgrace.”

It appears Ben Ray thinks it is “racist,” “white nationalist” and “anti-immigrant” to want people to come into America legally, which is Miller’s stance on immigration. Although following the law is not controversial in the slightest, it appears Luján now seeks to further divide America and New Mexico with hysterical political statements, in the attempt to win New Mexico’s open Senate seat in 2020.
Lujan also claimed Trump is directly responsible for hate crimes against Hispanic and Latino Americans rising 41% since 2016 (before Trump was even in office). He did not cite his source, which appears to be the Los Angeles Times.
However, Luján’s rhetoric will not go unchecked, especially sine Luján publicly stated and posted messages targeting Latino supporters of President Trump, claiming Trump couldn’t “see Latinos as full Americans,” which is highly-offensive to Latino and Hispanic supporters of the 45th president. Claiming these people should think a certain way and vote a certain way due to their heritage is EXTREMELY RACIST.
Luján must also forget that 40% of the attendees at President Trump’s September Rio Rancho rally were, in fact, Latino.
On Saturday, Luján attempted to pander to his constituents sympathetic with his racially-tinged messaging, writing “For more than 20 years, the International Day for Tolerance has served as a reminder of the dangers of bigotry and intolerance. Today, hate crimes and white nationalism are on the rise and we must all #StandAgainstHate.” The jab at Trump and his supporters further validates his willingness to see Trump and his voters (which include people from all races), as “white nationalists,” directly spitting in the eyes of people of color who support Trump.
Ben Ray Luján is a frequent guest on proud anti-Semite and all-around racist Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show, further proof that he does not much care about liberals’ racism. The New York Times even called Sharpton a “genuine bigot.” But Luján praised Sharpton for his “work” and continues to refer to the racist TV show host as “Reverend.”
Sharpton called Jews “white interlopers” and “diamond merchants,” said “the white man is the devil,” called black people who disagreed with him “cocktail-sip negros” and “negro militants,” and used other slurs, which cannot be repeated here due to their explicit content.
Ben Ray Luján is proving every day that he, in fact, sees Hispanics and Latinos, especially people of color who support Trump, as “racists,” which is discriminatory to the millions of Americans from all walks of life and traditions who do not support the radical Democrat agenda, derived in hatred and deep-seeded racism.
Ben Ray Lujan would be an embarrassment as our U.S. Senator. He has no respect for folks of his own heritage who happen to support conservatism or President Trump. He must be defeated.
So he thinks that blacks and Latinos are racist i think he’s the racist making a comment like that I’m Hispanic and a trump supporter i now know what he thinks of me.
Ben Ray Luján has done nothing for the state of New Mexico, only for himself and the ‘ Luján Crime Family’.
This statement is the stupidest thing I’ve read today. But it’s early, 6:00AM, I’m sure he or some other Democrat will say something stupider by the end of the day!
God help us if this idiot becomes our next U.S. senator!
I am putting together a broad compilation of information on Ben Ray Lujan to help people sort out the garbage from the facts. Anyone with specific facts proving corruption or deep-seated unfairness at the hands of Ben Ray Lujan, please submit the material to me at terri @ policefactor.com. I am a white female New Mexico Republican church and state separationist tired of the reverse-racism and one-sided Democrat mindsets in New Mexico, but also am open to working with Native Americans, Hispanics and various others who, like Mr. Block indicates, have other views. As he suggests, “Ben Ray Luján is proving every day that he, in fact, sees Hispanics and Latinos, especially people of color who support Trump, as “racists,” which is discriminatory to the millions of Americans from all walks of life and traditions who do not support the radical Democrat agenda, derived in hatred and deep-seeded racism.” It is important that whites and non-whites, and mixes in between, work together to combat Ben Ray Lujan, Michelle Lujan-Grisham and most of the entire Attorney General’s office of New Mexico. I don’t accept donations and don’t see myself in competition with other websites. Instead, Police Factor is a specialized library of sorts on certain themes like policing, national security, borders, immigration, key legislation and some New Mexico police abuses (not comprehensive). New Mexicans need to take their power back from the encroachments of the groups like those working with Ben Ray Lujan and Governor Lujan-Grisham. They are exerting anti-American warfare by trying to bring illegal immigrants into the USA to overwhelm and supplant mainstream American citizens and to take back lands Mexico had before the Mexican-US war and the 1850s shifts of borders to the USA side. It is a planned agenda. The American system is the better, safer system. People of all races are wise to stick with the United States and make it stronger and healthier. Mr. Block is on the right track. I have a section started on Ben Ray Lujan as of this week. I am surprised I am not immediately finding more litigation against him. What the general public does not know is exactly which crime groups he is likely supported by and working for. We need more than suspicions and bad-mouthing, but responsibly measured likelihoods when direct evidence seems impossible. Police Factor dot com