Claire Chase

Big money Claire Chase-linked super PAC spreads bitter lies about CD-2 candidate Rep. Yvette Herrell

Amid New Mexicans dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, a venomous new ad appeared on television stations in New Mexico spreading mistruths against former Rep. Yvette Herrell, candidate for New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District. 

The ad, which claims Herrell bashed President Trump and that she attended an “anti-Trump soirée at a San Diego hotel,” with the sources being disgraced Bloomberg News and an article from the Associated Press.…

NM NeverTrumpers call Trump supporters ‘cult’ members, ‘Nazis,’ and ‘zealots’—this must STOP.

In recent days, news has broken about rumblings between the Bernalillo County Republican Party and the Trump Victory team, designated to get the President elected in 2020. 

In an email chain regarding the upcoming pre-primary county convention, chairwoman Julie Wright asked party officials if she should allow Trump Victory’s Leslie White to speak for two minutes, while former Gov.…

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