New FEC reports filed on Monday reveal the radical leftists who are supporting 1st-term Rep. Xochitl Torres Small in her attempt at another term. Some of the biggest donors of the former “water rights attorney” include pro-abortion groups, such as Emily’s List (who donated $29,900.00) and The American Congress of OB-GYN’s or ACOG, ($1,000).
ACOG is an active pro-abortion group, which uses its seemingly-credible name to promote late-term abortion, where Emily’s List backs only rabidly pro-abortion candidates. As reported earlier this month, Xochitl Torres Small has long been a pro-abortion candidate, even headlining an event for Planned Parenthood next month.
Torres Small also took $1,000 from her husband’s New Mexico House campaign, which was marked “Permissible Under the Act,” although it is frowned upon as a huge conflict of interest. It may be “permissible,” but that does not mean it’s ethical.

Other DC swamp creatures also donated, including far-left California Congressmen Ted Lieu ($2,000) and Adam Schiff ($2,000), as well as Majority Leader Steny Hoyer ($2,000). Torres Small’s total contributions from other campaign committees (both New Mexico and Federal) totaled $23,103.36.
Torres Small’s out-of-state contributions outnumber in-state donations 6:1, further proof that her campaign is financed mostly from out-of-state special interests, radical pro-abortion groups, and radical leftist politicians. It’s pretty obvious that Xochitl Torres Small’s campaign is most definitely not run by and for the people of New Mexico.
If Torres Small is willing to disclose blatant conflicts of interest in public reports, God only knows what she’s hiding behind the closed-door meetings in the DC swamp.
“Torres Small’s out-of-state contributions outnumber in-state donations 6:1, further proof that her campaign is financed mostly from out-of-state special interests, radical pro-abortion groups, and radical leftist politicians. ”
The question has to be will the major NM media expose where Torres Small’s major contributions are coming from? I seriously doubt it.