Luján, Haaland, Torres Small vote for Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry

On Thursday morning, Democrats voted to continue the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, with most members voting for the partisan measure. All New Mexico Members of Congress, Reps. Ben Ray Luján(D-NM-3), Debra Haaland (D-NM-1), and Xochitl Torres Small (D-NM-2), voting for the partisan measure

Earlier in the morning, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made a floor speech, saying “what it’s about is the truth” as she stood by the flag to introduce the impeachment vote. Pelosi dropped the names of Benjamin Franklin and other founding fathers to try and bolster her case for impeachment against President Trump

Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) took to the House floor, with a staffer attending to a printed sign emblazoned with the words “37 Days of Soviet-Style Impeachment Proceedings” as he roasted Pelosi’s sham impeachment inquiry, saying the Democrats’ resolution gives “no rights for the minority unless the Chair so designates,” and that the inquiry is being run by “Soviet-style rules.” 

House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) took to the floor shortly afterward, exclaiming, “I support his revolution because it lays the groundwork for open hearings… because we have no choice,” despite weeks of secrecy.

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke on the House floor, saying “Tomorrow is November 2st, we are one year away from an election, not just for his House but for the highest office of the presidency. Why do you not trust the people? ”

“Do you have the right to have a voice or only the words you agree with? You may get elected in a primary, but in a general election, you are elected to represent the people of America, and you are their voice,” he said. McCarthy also noted that the 116th Congress will be known for issuing for subpoenas than laws.

In closing, McCarthy said, “I guess it’s only fitting that you take this vote on Halloween.”

Democrats start the first procedural vote on the Impeachment Resolution, with Dianne DeGette (D-CO) presiding over the House floor at 10:54 a.m.

Rep. Ben Ray Luján took to the floor, and later writing on Twitter, “We’re here today because of the rule of law. President Trump endangered our national security, undermined our elections, and abused his power – all for his own political gain. He must be held accountable – and that’s exactly what the House must do.” 

Rep. Deb Haaland released the following statement on her vote to further the impeachment inquiry:

“This President has betrayed his oath of office. We have the responsibility to uphold our Constitution and ensure that no one, not even the president, is above the law, but President Trump and his Administration have obstructed this investigation at every turn. I cannot stand by while this President continues to abuse his office to enrich himself and his friends while New Mexicans are struggling to get by and puts his political interests ahead of our country. This vote makes it clear that we intend to deliver the truth to the American people so that the impeachment inquiry is fair and thorough,”

– Deb Haaland (D-NM-3)

Halland repeatedly claimed Trump abused his oath of office and abused his office, despite no information to substantiate her claims.

At 11:22 a.m., the House of Representatives started their final vote on the impeachment inquiry.

The final vote for the resolution stands at ___ for and ___ against, with Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ), and Collin Peterson (D-MN) the only Democrats voting against the resolution.

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