
Media capitalizing on migrant suffering

In a piece published yesterday by the New York Times, a big contradiction was made about the migrant invasion happening at the U.S.-Mexico border. The first paragraph of the article reads:

A peaceful march by Central American migrants waiting at the southwestern United States border veered out of control on Sunday afternoon, as hundreds of people tried to evade a Mexican police blockade and run toward a giant border crossing that leads into San Diego.

DNC – Actors Paid as Sit-Ins, Noise Machines

As the Democratic convention has been wrapping up, the scandals have been escalating. Outside the conference stadium, protesters have been up in arms, disturbing the peace. One would think all these protestors outside of a Democratic National Convention would be Trump supporters, but it is quite the contrary.…

DNC Begins Today… Already Facing Criticism

PHILADELPHIA – The Democratic National Convention begins today, and it is unknown what will happen, since the recent email scandal with Debbie Wasserman Schultz. It seems the Democratic party has been saddled with email scandals, but they will do their best to negate the latest news and make clear their platforms.…

Clinton & Kaine Hit the Trail

Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s new running mate, in a lengthy speech at a Florida rally, did as expected and pandered to the far left crowd about gun control and you guessed it; Donald Trump. Kaine said at the rally, “ When Donald Trump says he has your back, you better watch out.”…

Clinton’s VP is Just as Expected

Hillary Clinton this evening chose Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate. In desperation to call out to millennial voters, she sent out her announcement via text message, in competition with Trump’s mad Twitter skills. Touting in an interview with the New York Times, Clinton said she would “[avoid] taking a chance with a less experienced vice-presidential candidate and felt no political need to push the historic nature of her candidacy by adding another woman or a minority to the ticket.”…

Trump Delivers

The night went better than expected at the Republican National Convention. The speakers all were impressive, including RNC chairman Reince Priebus. Reince hit hard at Clinton, saying “We need to stop Hillary Clinton!” and “She lied, and she lied over and over and over again.”…

Stakes are High for Last Day of RNC

CLEVELAND – Today is the day we all have been waiting for in Cleveland. Tonight, Donald J. Trump will formally accept the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Stakes are high today, with security increasing and the big question of what is to come.…

Cruz Believes in LeBron, but Not Trump?

CLEVELAND – The third day in Ohio for the Republican National Convention turned heads as the rhetoric grew and the endorsements came rolling in for Donald J. Trump. The night informally begun with a bold speech from Laura Ingram on how the Republican Party needs to band around Trump by saying “all you boys with bruised egos, you must honor your pledge to support Donald Trump!”…

Republican Convention Opens with Excitement

CLEVELAND – Monday at the 2016 Republican Convention, it was difficult to find a dull moment. As the rules committee attempted the adoption of the party platform, the “Never Trumpers” were at it again, desperate in every attempt to dismantle the overwhelming support for Donald J.

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