On Friday, voters in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District received mailers from none other than Democrat Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, which touted her supposed “accomplishments” in Congress. The worst part about these mailers is that they were sent out at the taxpayers’ expense.
The mailer touts Torres Small’s work on “veterans issues” and quotes local papers singing her praises. One quote says Torres Small was “instrumental in helping fix a communication problem between local veterans using the new Veterans Administration healthcare programs.”
But Torres Small does not tout in her mailer — most likely meant to target wing voters — that she supported the far-left crusade to take down President Trump with the impeachment hoax, her refusal to support a bill that would protect babies who survive abortions, her support of a fracking ban that would destroy the state’s main source of income, and her support for rewarding criminal aliens with citizenship.
Although it is not yet clear if Torres Small broke any legal or ethical rules by sending out the mailer — clearly meant to sway the outcome of her re-election campaign — but taxpayers having to shell out money for Torres Small to promote herself raises serious questions.

Perhaps we should ask our ethics board to weigh in.
Go to hell, lady. I support no Democrat.