Last night, In the midst of adversity, I have never been prouder of New Mexico. Against all odds, including the governor and her minions, extremist pro-abortion groups, paid protestors, and sleazy truth-bending lobbyists, nothing less than the grace of God, delivered a victory for us. Countless people from around the state, and groups I have had the pleasure to work with like New Mexico Alliance for Life, have worked day and night to lobby against this extreme bill.
Tens of thousands signed petitions, showed up at the legislature for various pro-life gatherings, called members of the House & Senate, and prayed for the failure of HB-51. Without the thousands from across the state and the country, we could not have pulled off the victory that we did, getting 8 Democrats to vote for Life, against the majority of their party.
These incredible “rogue” Democrats were Senators Gabriel Ramos of Silver City, Pete Campos of Las Vegas, Carlos Cisneros of Questa, Richard Martinez of Española, George Muñoz of Gallup, Mary Kay Papen of Las Cruces, Clemente Sanchez of Grants and John Arthur Smith of Deming.
Because of their life-affirming votes on this, I urge everyone to thank them through a call or email, as they were the ones who helped us protect precious lives in New Mexico.
Here are all the contact numbers for these senators:
Sen. Pete Campos (Las Vegas) | (505) 986-4311 |
Sen. Carlos Cisneros (Questa) | (505) 986-4362 |
Sen. Richard Martinez (Española) | (505) 986-4487 |
Senator George Muñoz (Gallup) | (505) 986-4371 |
Sen. Mary Kay Papen (Las Cruces) | (505) 986-4733 |
Senator Gabriel Ramos (Silver City) | (505) 986-4863 |
Sen. Clemente Sanchez (Grants) | (505) 986-4513 |
Sen. John Arthur Smith (Deming) | (505) 986-4365 |
Despite the radical extremists on the Left, such as ProgressNow NM’s Rachael Lorenzo calling all pro-lifers “white supremacists,” ‘Respect NM Women’ lying about the current law by spreading misinformation that it criminalizes women, Speaker of the House Brian EGOlf cutting off debate in committee hearings, Senator Ivey Soto rushing HB-51 through a committee he co-chairs with less than 30-minutes notice when the Chairman was absent, and the Governor’s condescending devaluation of our voices, WE PROTECTED PRECIOUS LIVES.
By God’s divine hand, New Mexico not only proved that bipartisanship can happen in the state, it proved that our state values the meaning of Life. These Democrat senators who voted for Life should know that they have an ally in me, especially come election season, when they are most likely facing extremist leftists in their primaries.
After the final vote, Governor Lujan Grisham released this statement: “This old, outdated statute criminalizing health care providers is an embarrassment. That removing it was even a debate, much less a difficult vote for some senators, is inexplicable to me.”
The disdain for New Mexico’s people can really be felt in Grisham’s words, and hypocritically so. When Sheriffs from around the state stood up to overreaching gun laws pushed by her administration by supporting “2nd Amendment Sanctuaries,” the Governor called them “rogue,” and accused them of having a “pity party.”
Ironically, it now seems the Governor is having a pity party of her own, angrily lashing out via Twitter at pro-life senators, referring to them as “embarrassing” and “inexplicable.” The Governor’s words show exactly why she is so out of touch with the common man, woman, and child in our state.
When a few dozen abortion-loving radicals delivered 10,000 signatures supporting HB-51 to the Governor’s office, she greeted them in person with glee. However, when over 500 New Mexicans trodded up the steps of the state Capitol to deliver the Governor 22,000+ signatures in opposition to HB-51, she was nowhere to be found.

As a life-long New Mexican, I can’t say I’m surprised by the Governor’s actions, given the way she got into the Governor’s Mansion (through vast corruption and mocking rural New Mexicans). But, this is a new low for her, as I, unfortunately, will have to continue saying as time goes by.
It was an honor to be a part of this monumental New Mexico vote, and I appreciate every single person who was involved. Together, we showed the world that New Mexico IS A PRO-LIFE STATE, and always will be, regardless of who happens to be the governor. #NewMexicoTrue
Lets go after the lady serpent on illegal immigration hard and fast!
YOU LED THE CHARGE! THANK YOU for YOUR HARD WORK! We will INVITE YOU to OUR PRO LIFE RALLY down the line, hope you can come. My senator is GABRIL RAMOS.
there is no “I” in team work. Let us all come together for what is truly best for New Mexico residents. Let us join together to do what really needs to be done………….. and that is UNSEAT MLG. Searching for donations for a sack of feathers and a bucket of Tar.
I am a native New Mexican, current homeowner in the state, active duty military chaplain, and am currently deployed. My heart ached at the announced legislative agenda of the current controlling politcal party in Santa Fe. After reading the news of this particular bill’s defeat, I was elated to know that the consciences of the majority have not been seered in regards to the murder of human children. I am grateful for the work conservatives are doing in NM–I cannot be there to lend my voice–thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you small town and rural representatives. Thank you larger town lawmakers who joined them. I prayed often for this result, and I am elated to see God moving still in the hearts of people.