
New Mexico’s Green New Steal

As the legislative session comes to a close in a few weeks, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard, and Congresswoman Deb Haaland have something up their sleeve: total annihilation of New Mexico’s Oil & Gas industry.

Last November, instead of voting for people who actually have experience in energy, such as former Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons and oil-business owning Congressman Stevan Pearce, the voters of New Mexico instead thought it would be a good idea to put a failed educator in the Land Office as its commissioner and a know anti-fracker in the Governor’s Mansion as our state’s commander in chief.…

New Mexicans Aren’t Good Enough for Michelle

I’d hate to say, “I told you so,” about the Lujan Grisham Administration, since I earnestly want our state to grow, prosper, and move forward with any governor in office, but it seems the predictions I made two days after the November election are already coming true, and it’s going to damage our state for decades.…

DNC – Actors Paid as Sit-Ins, Noise Machines

As the Democratic convention has been wrapping up, the scandals have been escalating. Outside the conference stadium, protesters have been up in arms, disturbing the peace. One would think all these protestors outside of a Democratic National Convention would be Trump supporters, but it is quite the contrary.…

DWS Resigns, Brown’s Mom to Speak at DNC, Malik Obama Endorses Donald Trump

This week, it was announced that Michael Brown, the young man who mauled a cop and tried to steal his gun in August of 2014’s mother will be speaking at the Democratic National Convention this next week. The news of the race-baiting woman, who is an avid proponent of the hate group, Black Lives Matter has yet to break as a major story in the corporate media, except for Pastor Burns’ interview on Fox News after his RNC speech mentioning it.…

Democratic Primary Rigged – Wikileaks

A recent leak from Wikileaks shows the staggering revelation that the Democratic National Committee has been plotting against the Sanders campaign the entire election season, guaranteeing Clinton the nomination. This primary season has had many allegations of foul play in the Democratic primaries against Sanders and now there is concrete evidence in his favor.…

Clinton’s VP is Just as Expected

Hillary Clinton this evening chose Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate. In desperation to call out to millennial voters, she sent out her announcement via text message, in competition with Trump’s mad Twitter skills. Touting in an interview with the New York Times, Clinton said she would “[avoid] taking a chance with a less experienced vice-presidential candidate and felt no political need to push the historic nature of her candidacy by adding another woman or a minority to the ticket.”…

Trump Delivers

The night went better than expected at the Republican National Convention. The speakers all were impressive, including RNC chairman Reince Priebus. Reince hit hard at Clinton, saying “We need to stop Hillary Clinton!” and “She lied, and she lied over and over and over again.”…

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