New Mexico’s Green New Steal

As the legislative session comes to a close in a few weeks, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard, and Congresswoman Deb Haaland have something up their sleeve: total annihilation of New Mexico’s Oil & Gas industry.

Last November, instead of voting for people who actually have experience in energy, such as former Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons and oil-business owning Congressman Stevan Pearce, the voters of New Mexico instead thought it would be a good idea to put a failed educator in the Land Office as its commissioner and a know anti-fracker in the Governor’s Mansion as our state’s commander in chief. They also chose a corrupt ex-Democrat party boss to be New Mexico’s dingbat Representative from the 1st Congressional District, a heavily-populated district with little energy production.

Governor Grisham campaigned on working “to pass legislation that puts us on a path to 50% renewable energy by 2030 and 80% by 2040.” As then-candidate Steve Pearce explained in a gubernatorial debate, “My opponent has a plan to shut the oil and gas industry down…. When you tell companies you’re going to regulate fracking, they’re going to choose to be in Texas.” Pearce’s warning came true in early February when Lujan Grisham “signed an executive order calling for New Mexico to adopt a strategy to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” and advocated for a bill that would freeze fracking permits.

The bill was introduced by the Grisham-appointed Sen. Antionette Sedillo Lopez, who is sure to nod her head at anything the governor demands in fear of her future in the Senate. Sedillo-Lopez spouted off dozens of Lujan Grisham-fed talking points on how fracking is “impacting people,” and needs to be studied further, even though there are decades-worth of research showing no correlation between fracking and the environment.

Then-state Rep. Stephanie Garcia Richard, who has absolutely ZERO experience working in the energy industry or in any capacity relating to natural resources or public lands ran on the pie-in-the-sky ideas of banning fracking from getting state contracts, taxing the hell out of oil & gas producers, providing tax credits for unsustainable wind and solar, and throwing all the leftover cash in our state coffers to the failing school system.

Just as she promised, on January 9, she announced her work on an upcoming bill to essentially tax the hell out of the oil & gas industry by increasing royalty rates on fossil fuel energy production on state trust land. Thankfully, the proposal was blocked in the legislature, although shortly after its defeat, Richard announced her intention to issue a moratorium on oil and gas leases on state trust land near Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

In early March, Garcia Richard announced her newly-redesigned New Mexico Land Office logo, which depicts a valley with wind turbines, with her name emblazoned on the top. There is no sight of an oil rig, a coal miner’s ax, or any other such illustration of the industry which is responsible for a $2.2 billion surplus in the state’s general fund. Garcia Richard would much rather spend all that revenue on unsustainable “pre-k-for-all” and kill the industry altogether.

Garcia Richard’s new Land Office Logo

Congresswoman Debra Haaland, a failed lieutenant gubernatorial candidate, ex-Democrat party boss, and ex-tribal administrator is a huge supporter of freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal,” which aims to murder all the cows because they emit methane through latulence, and must be exterminated.

The proposal also looks to tear down all older and re-erect “green” ones in their stead, while stopping air travel, as planes apparently emit too much CO2. The latter is most likely a favorite of Ben Ray Luján, as it will give him an excuse to stay in DC so he can suck up to Nancy Pelosi instead of seeing his constituents, which he couldn’t be bothered to even be with for his re-election victory party in November. The Green New Deal will cost American Taxpayers upwards of $93 trillion dollars, or $600k per household, an insane amount of money, as our national debt is already looming at over $20+ trillion already.

Haaland ran on a platform of “100% clean energy,” and voting against any and all measures relating to fossil fuel infrastructure. She cited “climate change” as the reason New Mexico has droughts, so in an apparent attempt to stop the sun from getting hotter (or colder, whichever one it is this week), she supports the killing of innocent cows to instead invest in wind and solar energy.

Ironically, wind turbines are known to break in gusts of extreme wind, (as we have a lot of the time in our state), not to mention how many birds they murder each year. With all the cow and bird murder, you’d think PETA would get involved to tell AOC and Haaland to quit with all the innocent bloodshed of livestock and wildlife. Solar energy is even more unsustainable, with the massive amounts of energy they take to make the panels, and the extreme toxic waste they emit, most likely far more than cow farts. Even more sophomoric is that these energies, being championed as our “saving grace” are all contingent upon the weather. God forbid we get a rainstorm or a tornado advisory.

It’s clear that Governor Lujan Grisham, Land Commissioner Garcia Richard, and Congresswoman Debra Haaland farts crazy if they think banning fracking and taxing the hell out of the fossil fuel industry will save us. Their obsession with “climate change” and its scientifically unproven supposed “detriments to the Earth” is unhealthy, as their energy could be far more useful in other ways, such as trying to fix New Mexico’s crumbling infrastructure or addressing problems with illegal immigration, causing violent crime in our communities.

If these New Mexico D think this unsustainable, unaffordable, and unrealistic plan is what New Mexicans want, it’s not. We will keep our cows and oil rigs, and reject the Democrats’ GREEN NEW STEAL.

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