New Mexico Republicans must persist

Although last week’s election was disastrous for our state, let’s take a moment to think of the great things we have as New Mexicans (at least for now). Our state is so beautiful, with majestic vistas, sunsets, wildlife, and people. Throughout our history, we have survived a lot of terrible events and rulers, but we must take courage, as we always have. We must move forward.

The great men and women who have led our beautiful state in the past, such as Senators Domenici and Schmitt, Representatives Wilson, Pearce, and Redmond, and Governors Carruthers, Mechem, and many others have left a legacy that must be carried on, or our state will be beyond saving. If it weren’t for these great leaders, our state would have been solid blue decades ago.

Politics comes in waves, wavering from election to election. The difference between just any other election and the one we just experienced is that there is so much more that hangs in the balance come January.

With a Democrat governor and supermajorities in the state House and Senate, it will be a field day for the state Democrats, allowing the most outrageous, costly and liberal policies to be rammed through the legislature with ease. Taxes will inevitably skyrocket to pay for the pie-in-the-sky socialized programs passed by the legislature (pre-k for all, sanctuary state, etc.), and businesses will run for the hills of Texas, Utah, Arizona, or any other state that doesn’t suck them dry.

The unfortunate thing about the inevitable tax wave about to hit is that small businesses, already struggling in our stagnant economy will be wiped out. These next few years, we can also look for strict gun regulation, which will make it harder for citizens to protect themselves on their own property, and marijuana legalization, which will be sold to us as “revenue-generating,” however it will most likely come with the effects seen in other places, including higher crime, worse restrictions on law enforcement when trying to do their jobs, not to mention more traffic violations and accidents. So, just imagine Albuquerque at its worst (so, right about now), but add 10X more crime, vagrancy, and drug peddling, and that is our state for the next decade.

So, on that somber note, let’s talk about a few things you can take solace in for the meantime, as the Democrats ruin our state. We still have our awesome national monuments (White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns, Bandelier, the Valles Caldera, Tent Rocks, and many more places to take quiet walks and climbs).

White Sands National Monument
McGinn’s Pistachioland “World’s Largest Pistachio”

We also have our amazing New Mexican food, unbeaten by any other category of food known to man! Green and Red chile are two of the only things that can cure the bleakness that comes from a Democrat administration, so stock up on good ol’ fashioned Hatch chile (Don’t forget, our fearless Republican leader Andy Nuñez is still mayor of Hatch and a damn good one at that). Oh, and I can’t forget the world’s largest pistachio in Alamogordo at McGinn’s PistachioLand! Now, that place is amazing, and have you tried their pistachio brittle? That stuff will make you forget all about November 6th.

New Mexico House of Representatives members 2015-16

Also, you can visit our beautiful state capitol, and look at all the great leaders from years’ past on the walls, reminiscing about our first House majority in 60+ years from 2014-16. Boy weren’t those the days … Maybe sometime soon we will make that happen again. Until then, let’s mosy on, and keep up the good fight!


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