CLEVELAND – The third day in Ohio for the Republican National Convention turned heads as the rhetoric grew and the endorsements came rolling in for Donald J. Trump. The night informally begun with a bold speech from Laura Ingram on how the Republican Party needs to band around Trump by saying “all you boys with bruised egos, you must honor your pledge to support Donald Trump!” She went on to attack the media and then the people that keep fanning the flames, by proclaiming “Let’s send the consultants, pollsters and lobbyists packing!” She got the volume and energy up in the crowd, ready for the great speeches to come.
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin had a riveting speech, seemingly organic, with what it looked like, no teleprompters, which is usually Trump’s mark. Walker pontificated the freedom America is still in need of and its desperation to get back to the values our founding fathers had. Walker then began attacking the Clinton machine with remarks common from the GOP, stating “No more double standards for the Clintons!” He finished with “America deserves better!” Throughout the night the power was in the house, with announcements of loyalty to Trump and some unlikely speeches.
Marco Rubio, rather than in person, appeared in a video on the big screen. His message was the closest thing to an endorsement that he has given to Donald Trump. Rubio’s speech included “Unlike Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is committed to cut taxes, curve spending and get our national debt under control. Unlike Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump takes the threats from Islamic radicals seriously, he’s committed to rebuilding our military, and unlike Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, he is committed to appointing constitutionalist judges who will respect the proper role of the judiciary. After a long and spirited primary, the time for fighting each other is over. It’s time to come together and fight for a new direction for America. It’s time to win in November.” By “come together”, it can be inferred that he is urging Republicans to put their difference in candidates aside and get behind Donald J. Trump as their nominee.
Ted Cruz opened his remarks in the attempt to level with Cleveland locals, applauding LeBron James on the championship performance. The crowd exploded with life as he touched them with his pandering to the voters of Ohio. Cruz then stated, “I want to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night. And like each of you, I want to see the principles our party believes in prevail in November.” It seems like Ted Cruz has decided to lay off the attacks on Trump’s “New York values” and much like Rubio, admit defeat and come together as a party. The delegates in the crowd screamed “We want Trump! ” but Cruz held out from giving Trump a formal endorsement. He alluded to one by stating “Don’t stay home in November.” As Bloomberg reports, Cruz was booed off the stage.

Pence took the stage, and the convention center roared. His poise and clarity resonated throughout his speech, backing Donald Trump up, saying “He loves educational choice,” “The party of Lincoln was founded as the party of equal opportunity. It will be our agenda to see every American succeed and prosper in this country.” Pence then spoke about strength in America, showing Americans what they could lose without Donald Trump’s leadership, saying “History teaches us that weakness arouses evil… On the world’s stage, Donald Trump will lead from strength.” The crowd fervently yelled “We want Trump,” and Pence closed with “What unites us far exceeds anything that sets us apart in America. We are as we always have been one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice” letting the crowd shout “for all!”, and Donald Trump took the stage to acknowledge Pence.
The third day of the RNC was a success, but it did so with a fair amount of reluctance with Rubio and Cruz unable to utter the words “I endorse Donald Trump.” The speeches of the evening united the crowd and reaffirmed what the Republican Party should stand for; inclusion, for if the party is divided, it can never claim victory. That is why it was disappointing not to have the formal endorsements of Cruz or Rubio because there is still bitterness in the party. The bitterness must be relinquished by election day, because if Trump does not win, the newly appointed Supreme Court can unconstitutionally change the fundamentals America was built on, and Lord knows they will.