Recent information has come to fruition showing a direct link between two New Mexico state representatives, who are in violation of New Mexico’s Legislative Ethics Guide, if they do not recuse themselves from certain bills put forth before the legislature.
Representative Micaela Lara Cadena (D – Mesilla)

Rep. Cadena, who is serving her first term in the New Mexico House works as Research Director for Young Women United (YWU), an abortion-up-to-birth social justice advocacy group, which actively lobbies in favor of late-term abortion rights. One particular bill, HB-51 is targeted by the group, which has partnered with Planned Parenthood and other abortion proponents to form Respect New Mexico Women.

Because of YWU’s political position to gain something from HB-51’s passage, there is a direct conflict of interest between Cadena and HB-51, if she does not recuse herself.
Representative Angelica Rubio (D – Las Cruces)

Rep. Rubio, who is currently serving her second term in the House is the Executive Director of a pro-illegal immigration group called NM COMUNIDADES EN ACCIÓN Y DE FÉ (CAFé), joining the group in May of 2018 according to her LinkedIn profile and CAFé’s website.
CAFé has actively fought for HB-195 in the New Mexico House of Representatives, which her group would benefit from, designating the state of New Mexico a “Sanctuary State.” As well, Rubio herself is sponsoring HB-287, which would restrict the federal government from using New Mexico land

Rubio, whose group would directly benefit by the passage of HB-195 and HB-287 must recuse herself because the conflict of interest could not be clearer, especially since she is the head of the organization. Furthermore, she must withdraw HB-267 from further
Recent Precedent
There is much precedent for members of the House of Representatives to recuse themselves from voting on specific pieces of legislation, if they, a spoouse, or a group they are tied to can benefit from the passage of such legislation, creating a conflict of interest.
Recently, Senator Gay Kernan (R – Hobbs) recused herself from voting on a bill regarding contracts for medical professionals because her husband is a physician. Also, Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto, declined to vote on the confirmation of the secretary of public education since he was involved in a lawsuit against the department.
New Mexico statute clearly states:
“Members shall not use the powers and resources of their offices to obtain personal benefits or pursue private interests’ (Subsection A of Section 10-16-3 NMSA 1978).
Find Legislative Ethics Guide Here

If Representatives Rubio and Cadena do not recuse themselves from voting, as both Republican and Democrat members of both chambers have in the past, they will be in violation of New Mexico law and thus liable to ethics complaints.
Contact Representatives Rubio and Cadena to inform them of the ethics rules they will be violating if they do not recuse themselves.
Angelica Rubio: Email: Phone (office) : (575) 616-1090 Phone (Capitol): (505) 986-4227
Micaela Lara Cadena: Email: Phone (Capitol): (505) 986-4210
Hold Government accountable!
Democrats are special people don’t you know.what would make them think they are above the LAW . Anyone that takes a oath to uphold the law and constitution and does not do it should be removed , jailed or both.